Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mortgage in Ukraine

 To date, there is rapid growth in mortgage loans, moreover, it should be noted that the trend has moved from the capital to other mega-city of a million people, and farther from big cities to smaller regions.

In the capital, Mortgages rose 15% in Dnipropetrovsk - 26%, in the Crimea - 8%, Odessa-9% in other regions of the growth of mortgages equal to 42%. These figures were announced by Greg Krasnov - CEO «IMB Group» (International Mortgage Bank «Family credit») at the Second Ukrainian banking forum.

Would also like to note that loans that were issued under the mortgage, much higher than loans that were issued directly to the purchase of housing. The growth of mortgage loans in bank assets for today looks like this: if in early 2005 of Mortgages for the assets of the bank amounted to 2,2%, then in 2006 we see that the growth has risen to the level of 5,5%. In the current 2007, the figure nearly reached the level of 9%.

Increase in loans for mortgages from January 1, 2006 to March 1, 2007 amounted to 208%. Since the same hour increase in assets over the same period is equal to total only 67%.


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