Monday, January 24, 2011

Filled flat

Filled flat

If you have flooded neighbors, then the first thing (the day of flooding or the next day) to call the chief engineer's housing department. The Commission, headed by the engineer must be an obligation to inspect the apartment and free to make the act of sinking.

In the event of a flood in Kiev should call:

057 - All accidents in the house

081 - Emergency service water supply networks

269-04-93 - Emergency dispatch service boilers and heat networks

After that, you want to make a so-called 'defective instrument' and an estimate for repairs. This issue deals with the Kiev Research Institute of Forensic Expertise (tel. 272-23-63), as well as construction companies, which have the necessary license. Services construction will cost about 2-4% of the amount counted in the estimates. State examination, of course, worth somewhat less, but will have to wait for several months.

If the neighbors do not get an agreement amicably, then the acts and estimates can be handled in court. Need to attach to the statement of claim of ownership of the apartment, as well as help BTI.

If it is determined that the flooding occurred because of human negligence, the court will make the perpetrator of the accident to compensate for all losses. But if the cause of the flood - the old pipe burst, then you will pay housing office.

Insurance - the right thing

Avoid judicial red tape in case of flooding you can help hedge against "leakage of water from the sewer and water systems." Typically, the risk insurance companies offer bundled with insurance apartment from fire and other things. Want to note that experts believe that insure better than just an apartment, and the very finish inside the premises and property. This service will cost 0,15-0,5% of the amount you wish to receive when the insured event.

We draw your attention to the fact that the losses will be paid only if the victim will notify the insurance company about what happened over the past two days. In the case where the landlord at the time of flooding, there was no valid reason, then the compensation will be available by showing, for example, a travel certificate or medical certificate.


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