Garbage Island in the Maldives is closed for cleaning podeshevke, and tomorrow will change the law and sell it for billions of foreigners, they say, the country needs investment. "

The Government of Maldives temporarily banned around garbage collection on specially designed for this island. On the island, had accumulated so much trash dump that waste began to pollute the sea.
Artificial island Tilafushi, known as "garbage island" is located just seven kilometers from the capital of Maldives - Male 'city, and it is not like a resort, famous for its white sands and turquoise waters.
However, this luxury hotel resorts are the main suppliers of waste on the island.
Now the island operation is conducted for the export of waste and demolition waste hills and mountains.
Those who have been on Tilafushi say that over the piles of garbage is always a cloud of smog.
Regularly to the island, except for garbage collectors, some people come to Bangladesh in piles of garbage they are trying to find something suitable for sale or available for use.
By rule, all incoming waste to the island later to be buried, burned, or - if possible - was put into recycling.
However, hotels are often sent to all the garbage container one, not preparing it for further processing.
To get on the crowded island of garbage, boaters have to wait up to seven hours in the queue. Those who do not have the patience to just throw it into the lagoon.
The head of the agency to protect the environment of Maldives Ibrahim Naeem said that the current situation related to technical difficulties. Rubbish has accumulated over time, while work has been done to change the system of waste disposal. There will also be prohibited from burning garbage in the open air.
According to the head of the agency, a pier for shipping waste from outlying resort islands closed, work will only dock for receiving waste from the capital.
Local conservationist Ahmad Ikram said that over the years, promises to build a factory on the island for recycling has not changed.
Environmental organization "Blue World", which is Ikram Ahmed, said that now more than ever is a problem of getting toxic substances in marine waters.
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