Friday, December 31, 2010

Extra meters

Extra meters Autumn surge in the property market has not happened. The main reason - the outflow of Ukrainians from the big cities and the fears associated with the instability of the dollar.

Valentina from Kiev for six months trying to sell my one bedroom apartment located in a residential area Teremki-1. For six months the price of the repaired kopeck piece with a good metric area, started with $ 86 thousand, fell by $ 6 thousand, "but everything is useless, - complains Valentine - during which time I had only one real buyer who was going to buy my apartment, sold his . But its deal to sell fell through. "
Demand is not activated even in the fall. Moreover, the estimated consulting company SV Development, in September and October in Kiev sold fewer flats than in the summer months are traditionally considered low season. Suffered and rent: the number of transactions in this market in the capital has fallen to levels in December 2008.

In good hands. Michael Artyukhov of Arpa real estate company claims that the bankers are now willing to pay extra realtors, so they brought them to potential borrowers. The reason for this unprecedented autumnal lull, an analyst at real estate portal Vladimir Kolomeiko explains persistent rumors of a sharp jump in the dollar. "Customers who have money waiting to collapse, the hryvnia, and with it the price of an apartment - he explains. - So follow the currency available to them until the moment when all becomes clear." Proof of this can serve as a metropolitan sales figures last year, when the stability of the dollar was no doubt. Then autumn revival of the market went according to plan, and their owners have found 2,2 thousand apartments, nearly 600 more than in summer. This year, the picture is the opposite: according to preliminary calculations, the summer has sold almost 400 apartments anymore. The same story with new buildings: the June-August, they bought much more readily than they do now.
Not stepped up the market and reduced to 18% of the rates of mortgage lending in some banks. "Bankers are now so interested in clients that are willing to pay the realtors commission for what they give potential borrowers," - says CEO Michael Arpa real estate Artyukhov. True, in connection with new stringent credit conditions may take a few, in fact to obtain a loan needed to document their high incomes, which until 2008 was not a prerequisite.
Seriously crippled the demand and the fact that the wish to move to Kiev was much smaller. According to Goskomstat, for 10 months in 2010 from the capital for the first time in many years, has left more people than came. For comparison: in 2007 the difference between those who migrated to Kiev, and those who served in the regions and abroad, amounted to 12.8 thousand people in favor of immigrants, and in 2008 and 2009 it rose to 22 thousand
Such a migration bias could not derail the rental market. If before the crisis took off in the capital for more than 2 thousand apartments and rooms in a month, now this figure barely exceeds 800. Faced with falling sales and the number of lease transactions, and in Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa and Kharkiv.
Prices inhibit
Expensive. Khrushchev and Stalin in remote areas are still overpriced, says director of real estate agency "Samson Realty Anatoly Bastyuchenko. However, a downturn in the market prices are not affected. For this year, according to the portal, they fell by only 7.2% in foreign currency. But the consulting company SV Development argue that the cost of housing even increased. Thus, the price of one "square" in Kiev on the secondary market on Jan. 1, 2010 increased from $ 1.67 thousand to $ 1.8 thousand
Agency Director Samson Realty Anatoly Bastyuchenko such a contradiction is easily explained: "In an apartment with a good metric area in metro prices rose and the housing of poor quality, by contrast, have fallen. Moreover, illiquid next year will become cheaper by 10-15%." According to Bastyuchenko, this happens because the price of Khrushchev and prefab houses in the suburbs still remain high.
However, sellers and realtors in a decline in sales is unlikely to be long to keep the price of the apartment, I'm sure an independent real estate expert Jaroslav Tsukanov. According to his calculations, the cost per square meter will fall until it reaches a level of $ 800-900. "Soon all comes to that price in the market depends on consumers' purchasing power - emphasizes Tsukanov - as it now does not exceed $ 30-40 thousand per apartment. Natalie Swan, president of the group of companies "SWAN", said another factor in reducing the cost of housing. "We now stand on the verge of changing the tax system, which will lead to the fact that the country will decrease the number of entrepreneurs, ie people who have money. So, the demand for housing and prices will fall," - says Ms. Swan.
Catherine Shapoval

"Such unfortunate sellers in the metropolitan real estate market for almost 90%, - says Vladimir Germanov, head of the portal" Capital estate ". - It is not their inability to sell, and that there is no demand."


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